env: contexts: - excludePaths: [] name: baseline urls: - parameters: failOnError: true progressToStdout: false jobs: - parameters: enableTags: false maxAlertsPerRule: 10 type: passiveScan-config - parameters: maxDuration: 5 type: passiveScan-wait - parameters: maxDepth: 5 # Int: The maximum tree depth to explore, default 5 maxDuration: 3 # Int: The max time in minutes the spider will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited maxChildren: 2 # Int: The maximum number of children to add to each node in the tree requestWaitTime: 700 # Int: The time between the requests sent to a server in milliseconds, default: 200 url: userAgent: zap-scanner type: spider - parameters: format: Long summaryFile: /zap/wrk/zap-out_.json type: outputSummary - parameters: reportDescription: '' reportDir: /zap/wrk/ reportFile: zap-report_.html reportTitle: ZAP Scanning Report template: traditional-html type: report