以下這則新聞算是繼 2008 年初昇陽買下 MySQL ab 之後的一個新變化,MySQL 創始人 Monty 在他的部落格寫道 ( http://monty-says.blogspot.com/2009/02/time-to-move-on.html ):
I have now departed from Sun and joined my own company, Monty Program Ab.
他離開了昇陽,並且創立了另一個公司 Monty Program Ab ( http://askmonty.org/ )。
The main reason for leaving was that I am not satisfied with the way the MySQL server has been developed, as can be seen on my previous blog post. In particular I would have like to see the server development to be moved to a true open development environment that would encourage outside participation and without any need of differentiation on the source code. Sun has been considering opening up the server development, but the pace has been too slow.
離職的主要原因是不滿於現在 MySQL server 開發方式,他希望能夠採用公開的開發方式,鼓勵更多外部的人參與,而昇陽雖然表示會考慮,但步調非常緩慢。
該文提到 Monty Program Ab 將會是一家落實開放原始碼精神的公司,而願景是基於早期跟朋友的一篇討論「Hacking Business Models」http://zak.greant.com/hacking-business-models 。提到了商業模式的目的、原則、方法與顧員條件...等,內文很長再找個時間好好看看。